Artistic Research as Citational Practice


  • Andrew Hauner Brooklyn College, City University of New York, US



knowledge production, academic quotation, citational politics, arts-based/artistic research, extra-academic, communication for social change


Artistic research has helped verify how primary a role creative processes play in not only constructing knowledge but also questioning knowledge elitism. The particular power-knowledge problematics for artistic research – addressed in both academic and artistic ways in this paper – is academic quotation. I first trace critical qualitative inquiry into citation back to feminist ethnography’s so-called citational politics. Then, by methodologizing my own artistic research into the non-distinction between reading and citing academic language, I make it possible for citationality to be holistically understood as interplay between: citation’s technical role in academic writing; its quantitative role in academic capitalism; and its political role in academic positionality. The well-trodden citational genealogies called out by Sara Ahmed are replaced by citational pathways connecting the authoring academic to voices entirely outside the discourse community that is academia in, for example, the arts-based educational research of Camea Davis. In the final analysis, such artistic understandings of citationality – citations that transform what we mean by citation – have the power to redeploy citations as channels of communication for social change.

Author Biography

Andrew Hauner, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, US

is an early childhood educator and arts-based educational researcher. His work with and for children and their families has spanned learning contexts and settings in New York City, including Beginnings Nursery School, P.S. 10K, Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Brooklyn Public Library, Imani House, Blue School, CAMBA, Brook- lyn Society for Ethical Culture and Open Source Gallery. His artistic research into the role of creative processes in knowledge-making – as well as in questioning knowledge elitism – has been exhibited in contemporary art shows like "Oh, it is easy to be clever if one does not know all these questions" (Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, UK & DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, CZ). He regularly participates in the Society of Artistic Research’s special interest group entitled Language-Based Artistic Research. He has been a scholar-in-residence at the New York Public Library and an artist-in- residence at the Gowanus E-Waste Warehouse. His written work has been published in Performance Research and Ateliér and in collaboration with the Critical Childhoods and Youth Studies Collective (CCYSC).




How to Cite

Hauner, A. (2023). Artistic Research as Citational Practice. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, (109), 149–162.