Dialogue of Modernity and Tradition in the Landscapes by Bronisław Jamontt from the Interwar Period

Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis





Bronisław Jamontt, painting, landscape, interwar period, Vilnius artistic environment, Vilnius Drawing School, Faculty of Fine Arts of Stephen Báthory University in Vilnius


A fascination with nature accompanied Bronisław Jamontt throughout all stages of his artistic creation. His early work was characterised by the truthful depiction of reality. Contact with the Krakow-Zakopane creative community influenced the creation of efficient works in the selection of formal means, allowing him to record feelings evoked by nature. In the 1920s, Jamontt, inspired by the search for avant-garde artists, created fantastic landscapes filled with rock blocks placed in cosmic space. The transformation of shapes was accompanied by an unreal colour range, additionally leading to a mood of anxiety and mystery. From the 1930s, the artist again began to emphasise the realistic element, allowing the creation of decorative landscapes, composed on the basis of sketches, referring to the romantic vision of nature.

Author Biography

Małgorzata Geron, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Małgorzata Geron works at the Department of Modern Art History of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She has authored Tymon Niesiołowski (1882–1963). Life and Creativity (2004); and Formists. Creativity and artistic programs (2015), as well as exhibition catalogues and articles on the art of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is one of the editors of Studia o sztuce nowoczesnej / Studies on modern art published every two years since 2006 (vol. I – V). She is a member of AICA and the Polish Institute of World Art Studies.




How to Cite

Geron, M. (2020). Dialogue of Modernity and Tradition in the Landscapes by Bronisław Jamontt from the Interwar Period: Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, (98), 52–76. https://doi.org/10.37522/aaav.98.2020.24