About the Journal

Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV)

is a peer-reviewed periodical issued four times a year, publishing original art historical and artistic research, reviews of publications in art history, and art history sources. 

The main focus of the journal is on the history of visual arts, architecture and design, contemporary art and visual culture, as well as artistic research, but the journal may also publish research in other fields of art, sociology of culture, and philosophy, if they are relevant to the topic of a particular issue. It is one of the few peer-reviewed periodicals in art history that also contribute to the dissemination of artistic research, publishing peer-reviewed texts by artists researchers alongside scholarly articles.

ISSN 1392-0316 (Print) 

eISSN 2783-6843 (Online)

Current Issue

No. 114 (2024): The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Consolation in Vilnius: Archaeological, Historical, Art Historical and Polychromy Research
					View No. 114 (2024): The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Consolation in Vilnius: Archaeological, Historical, Art Historical and Polychromy Research

eISSN 2783-6843 | ISSN 1392-0316

Editor Jolita Liškevičienė


Cover: Fragment of the painting Lithuanian Girl with Palm Sunday Fronds by Kanuty Rusiecki, 1847. Lithuanian National Museum of Art, T-2037. 

Published: 10/10/2024



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